Growing Your Onlyfans Page

Starting an Onlyfans and don’t know how to get started? Let’s assume you already have some idea of what you want to post and let’s move to growing your page? There are a variety of ways to grow your page, but this article is going to focus on using the shout-out for shout-out (SFS) method and a free onlyfans page to help grow your onlyfans.

Free page vs paid page

The difference between and free onlyfans page and a paid onlyfans page is quite obvious: a free page has no price to follow like most social media accounts, while a paid onlyfans requires a sign-up fee that may renew monthly if the fan chooses to renew their membership. A creator, the owner of the onlyfans page, may have more than one onlyfans account. For example a creator may have a solo account and an account that they share with a partner. Or, more applicable here a free account and a paid account. The benefit of having a free page is that it can be used as a promo page for your paid page.

It should be noted that there are other differences between free and paid pages. First, you can label any Onlyfans page as 18+ if your content will contain nudity and/or adult themes. Onlyfans wants nudity to be behind a paywall. So no nudity, including nipples, on free pages, unless it’s locked for a price. The price to join a paid page would count as the paywall so nudity is allowed on a paid page anywhere. Certain adult themes are not allowed on Onlyfans at all, and it is a good idea to do some research about those before starting an adult themed Onlyfans page.

Adding a free Onlyfans page

Assuming you already have a paid page, the first thing you will need is a separate email account from your original account. You can use all of the same personal (or professional) information of course, but your email and username (the letters/numbers after the “@”) must be different. Once your new Onlyfans page is approved, you can link the pages by going into your profile on either page and adding the second account. Then you will be able to toggle between the two pages without logging in and out.

When starting an Onlyfans account, you can use a referral code. If you reach out to someone for their referral code, they are more likely to answer any questions you may have about the site. Because they will have a vested interest in your success, and they may even help promote your page. Here is my referral code if you are so inclined to use it.

Growing your Onlyfans Page

Obviously, it is much easier to get people to sign up for a free Onlyfans account than it is to get them to pay money. It is also easier to get people who already are on Onlyfans to follow other Onlyfans pages. If you have a large following on a social media platform, you may notice that it is not as easy to get people to follow you over to another site. And that’s assuming your social media platform allows you to promote Onlyfans, as some will not.

Fortunately, you can market your Onlyfans page on other Onlyfans pages with SFS. For an SFS, the primary thing you will need is your Onlyfans link in ‘’ format. That will post your banner so that people can click over to your page. You may also choose to include a safe for work (SFW) picture to grab people’s attention. Or you may want to add a caption to tell people what to expect to see on your Onlyfans page. Either way, you want to grab people’s attention and them an easy way to find your page.

Networking with other Onlyfans creators

You may think, okay, all of that sounds great, but how do I find people to do SFS? How can I talk to other Onlyfans creators? Can I just follow their page and ask them to help me? Messaging other Onlyfans creators on their Onlyfans is somewhat frowned upon. The better way to find other Onlyfans creators is through Telegram. Telegram is a messaging app that allows people to talk to each other from all over the world in messaging groups. You will need to know someone to help you get into a few groups, and then you can go from there.

Turning free members into paid members

So now you have all of these free members, how do you get them to pay? Well, that is the $64,000 question, literally. First of all, Onlyfans is considered a pay-to-play site. There are mountains of free content on the internet, but some people cannot be bothered to search for it, they would rather you just send it to them. Charge them a service fee for your time by locking the message. Or by getting them to tip for your time. Think about someone that goes onto social media to ask a question when they could just Google the answer, these are your customers. This is the appeal of Onlyfans: the personal attention.

You can also promote your paid page through your free page. Show them the benefits of moving over to a paid subscription. But when you are marketing to people that are already on Onlyfans, it’s easier to get them to jump from to another Onlyfans page, rather than one social media to another.

If you would like to contact me, please email or message me through Twitter